Saturday, January 8, 2011



Everyone gets depressed every now and then. It’s just a matter of how it’s being dealt with on a personal level. Depression is the polar opposite of Enthusiasm, zest for life etc….

If you were fine before and you hit rock bottom, you might call it depression – mildly so at first but if prolonged you would have an issue.

How to treat it? First of all you notice that you are depressed. By noticing it you have distanced yourself as a witness. Start there, observing the pits you are going through and observe how rest helps. Sleep helps. Drugs and alcohol do not.

Thinking your way out of it won’t help either. It’s a loop if we think. Don’t think – just rest, live and relax. Learning to let go and relax our ideals help. Trying to be the best in the world doesn’t. Trying to be a perfectionist doesn’t too. Pick up laughing – it’s a wonderful magic trick.

Whatever idea you have about yourself be ready to drop it gently. Don’t punish yourself, be kind to yourself. Don’t hurt yourself, be nice to yourself without hurting others.

Depression is like finding it hard to sleep. Tossing and turning you don’t know what to do. So don’t do anything. Simply be and rest. Only be aware and conscious of your uneasiness and depression and notice how its grip loosens and what affects that.

Trial and error. Don’t believe anything unless it resonates with you internally. Use your mind less and more of your heart. Only use your mind practically for externally purposes. Anything internal – don’t. Don’t think to yourself. Be and live yourself. No need to think to yourself.

Use thinking usefully only for communication with others. Besides that all internal dialog and mind chatter is not necessary. Bin it. Simply enjoy the current present moment in full awareness and alertness ever watchful of what’s happening to you internally. That way, depression, anger, brain tumor, kidney stones, … all illness and dis-easeness can be recognised and reversed.